There is no doubt they bring to our schools...
- high technology skills that in most cases they seek to use creatively.
- a desire to make a positive change in the lives of students and the school as a community.
- and in most cases a want to do their best.
The key to the article was the need for us to focus on harnessing the "promise and potential" that these teachers hold. To do this we need to...
- Provide a supportive leadership that involves regular feedback and focused collaborative development.
- Increase the emphasis on supportive and trustworthy relationships. We need to make sure are developing a positive, welcoming, caring atmosphere. This adds to job satisfaction.
No doubt there are risks to employing young staff.
- They are not long-term career orientated.
- They tend to have high expectations about what their career should offer them.
- Often young teachers self confidence and motivation can be seen as arrogance my more mature teachers.
We need to have a differentiated understanding to staff support and development in the same way we are seeking to differentiate the curriculum and learning for our students.
We need to build up our young teachers for the future of our teaching profession.